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Dirty dirty people

Yesterday Felix and I went for an afternoon in Cambridge. I had considered getting him a build a bear seen as it would only be £1 due to his age. This did not happen. The queues were at least 4 hours long and snaked around the shopping centre. So many people all desperate to get their hands on a bear (the deal happens the month of the child’s birthday too just in case you were wondering). Parents had taken their children out of school, they were taking it in turns to queue and a majority of the children had no idea where they were and would have been just has happy with a bear from a charity shop. One woman in the lift actually commented on how good she thought the queue was as it was only 4 hours from start to finish for her and her toddler. The toddler said to me ‘I’ve spent my day waiting for my bear’. Said bear was strapped to her back and she was more intrigued by playing with the clips on her buggy than the bargain bear they had queued a lifetime for. Felix did not get a bear but he did get an eyebrow wax and tint for his mummy. He was very happy with this purchase as he could see his mothers eyes again and they were not hidden in the bush of brow! Isn’t he spoilt?
Anyway back to my point. In Cambridge, Felix and I decided to treat ourselves to a spot of lunch in John Lewis, I had an Egg and Ham sarnie and he had some formula. Lovely. After we had both finished our meal and Felix had burped so loudly the restaurant came to a standstill it was time to change his nappy. Off I trotted with Felix crashing him into everything and anything on the way. One woman actually asked if I needed help due to my shockingly bad driving. We arrive at the changing room and there is a queue, I am 6th in line and we are all crammed into the baby change room. I wait patiently while all of the others in front of me change the nappies. The smell was nothing short of horrendous. I was trying so hard not to gag. 
One child who was being changed had a mother she clearly was embarrassed by. Whilst changing the nappy the mother proudly announces to us all, ‘Wow you have done a massive solid poo. Well done!’ then looked at us all for praise. Even the child went ‘Urgh yukky’. Yes child we all agree with you this is chuffing gross and your mother wants us to praise you. No way love, I don’t get a round of applause when I do a poo so neither will your child!
Out of all the people in front of me not one of them washed their hands. I repeat not one person washed their hands. Next to the changing mats were 2 sinks, 2 soaps, 2 hand dryers. These people had no excuse. Don’t get me wrong, I am fully aware a sink is not always available but I would be satisfied if in these situation people use hand sanitiser or even at worst a wet wipe to wipe their hands but not these people they didn’t go any where near a spot of anything clean!
They then touched the door to get out, I did not. I used my hip to press the automatic door button, I don’t want their baby poo particles on my fingers. In the words of the solid poo baby ‘Urgh yukky!’
I appreciate this blog is not the nicest of topics but it genuinely shocked and horrified me how many people did not wash their hands! So please please please do not come near me if you are not clean! Felix and I do not like this!


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