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Dirty dirty people

Yesterday Felix and I went for an afternoon in Cambridge. I had considered getting him a build a bear seen as it would only be £1 due to his age. This did not happen. The queues were at least 4 hours long and snaked around the shopping centre. So many people all desperate to get their hands on a bear (the deal happens the month of the child’s birthday too just in case you were wondering). Parents had taken their children out of school, they were taking it in turns to queue and a majority of the children had no idea where they were and would have been just has happy with a bear from a charity shop. One woman in the lift actually commented on how good she thought the queue was as it was only 4 hours from start to finish for her and her toddler. The toddler said to me ‘I’ve spent my day waiting for my bear’. Said bear was strapped to her back and she was more intrigued by playing with the clips on her buggy than the bargain bear they had queued a lifetime for. Felix did not get a bea
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